Saturday, July 21, 2012

4 months

My little girl is 4 months already! I can't believe how fast the time has flown. I feel like just yesterday we were going to the hospital to have her. Now she's this fun little girl, rolling over, giving smiles and playing with her toys. I'm gonna go let this sink in for a bit but i wanted to post since I've been slacking!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Busy Weekend!

This weekend was jam packed! On Saturday T and I headed to a wedding, leaving baby M overnight for the first time. It wasn't too bad. I survived.

Then Sunday we headed to Jay Peak to go to the water park. The last time I was there I was pregnant so I didn't get to go on any of the water slides.

Hanging out with Daddy before going in the water

T on the Flow Rider

In the lazy river


In the birdbath with Daddy

Family picture in the kiddie area

Bugging out before we went home!

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Today was M's first trip to the dentist! Not for her though.. one day. Thank goodness pregnancy didn't wreck my teeth. I appreciate that. M was good for my whole cleaning, playing with her toys and smiling at all the dental assistants who wanted to check out the cute baby! She got a little fussy at the end while we were waiting for the dentist, so we did a little tummy time in the chair and she watched the dentist check my teeth.

Someone just woke up so it's time to change a diaper and play!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

16 weeks!

I can't believe it's been 16 weeks since I gave birth to baby M! Life is absolutely amazing with her and I couldn't imagine it without her. I adore being a mommy. Waking up to smiles, watching her learn and play. I don't know how my days were filled before she was here!

We are starting to get on a pretty good schedule now.
5am: Eat! Then back to bed.

8-9am: Sometime in there M wakes up for the day and eats again. We snuggle in bed for a little. Then I shower, M gets a bath/ready for the day and we head downstairs to play while I make my breakfast and food for the day.

11am: We take a walk with Bella then we sit on the porch when we're done.

12pm: M eats then goes into her swing for a nap.

1pm: M falls asleep around this time since she's done looking at all the fun things in her swing.

2pm: M wakes up and we play for a little while I'm packing up for work.

3pm: M eats then we get ready to go see Daddy and swap!!

In the afternoon M naps with Daddy for awhile, then plays, eats at 6 & 9 then goes to bed. This schedule works for us since I do not get home until after midnight, so the later bedtime benefits us all.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Girl's night!

We spent hopefully danielle's last pregnant Friday at the lake today. It was a wonderful way to end the week, winding down, playing with M and enjoying some good company. I'm so excited for Baby S to come soon so M has a friend!!!